Wednesday, June 17, 2020



           Be a bully to the core.   Consider yourself smarter than all those saps.

           Change your name if necessary to something catchy mean-sounding and short.   “Stalin” and “Hitler” and  have been taken but “Trump” gets your attention.  Sort of like hobnail boots on pavement at 3 AM.

          Become known.  Being known for conduct generally considered outrageous and egotistical by the majority is fine.   Attempting to overthrow the Bavarian government by marching from beer halls has been done and has a geographic limitation.  Build huge office towers and name them after yourself, host an idiotic reality TV program, or both.

          Belittle all institutions (except aggressive police and military people).   Call all parts of the social fabric failures.    Implying that you have the answers to all the problems they cause; proclaim that all those laws, rules, and constitutional restraints are designed to keep real [fill in the blank for your audience] poor, and oppressed (or insufficiently rich and oppressive).  This is a surefire formula for attracting a significant part of the population who recognize a fellow bully full of resentments, and think that his attaining power will be good for them. 

         Simultaneous with the above, make friends and act very respectful with very wealthy people who don’t like the government getting in their way.   If at all possible they should already control media including platforms that claim to be fair and balanced (Fox News comes to mind somehow) or that appeal to the utterly credulous, like the Enquirer that will happily accuse your political opponent of running child slavery rings out of New Jersey pizza parlors.  

          Foster division.  Lie outrageously deprecating some minority within the population.  If the lie is outrageous enough your adherents  will happily repeat it because it makes them feel they are smart and in the know. The responsible media will not pay it much attention, at first, because it is off their radar and simply doesn’t make sense.  People with unusual names (“e.g. Obama”), homosexuals, “those women”, public officials, civil rights advocates, careful judges and tolerant people generally, are all good targets.   Preferably the lies should claim the  “other” is engaged in a conspiracy.  

          Bash foreigners.  Immigrants and those across the border are always great targets.  Like would-be bullies, xenophobes are always a significant part of any electorate.  Imply foreigners are “dirty”, “criminals” , “sneaky”  or from “shithole countries”.    Suggest that those who are already citizens could have their citizenship taken away.    Establish government policies to treat immigrants badly.  Once you’ve made xenophobia fashionable it’s amazing how far you can take it.  You can tear children from their parents.  You may even build an armed or walled border, that not only keeps immigrants out, but locks in your own population.

         Encourage violence by your adherents.   When some racist drives into a crowd of peaceful protesters, call him and his group “good people”.  If armed thugs intimidate a state governor, encourage others to imitate this and remind the populace of their sacred right to bear arms. Praise the police if they are clubbing someone. 

        Engage in daily name calling of your political opponents.  This appeals to the part of the population whose brains stopped maturing in the fourth grade.

         Get elected to high office.  Election by a small plurality, a gerrymander, or voter intimidation is just fine.  Proclaim that you intend a revolutionary house cleaning of corruption.

        Fire (or exile or murder) some of the people who have helped you get into power.  This shows that you are not to be messed with, and to the saps who hope you will be a reformer, implies you are flexible.   It is an opportunity to get rid of undesirable hangers-on who may think they can exercise control over you or use you.

        Abuse the media  (other than your buddies).  Deny journalists access if you can’t have them shut down or arrested.  Maybe you can help vicious Arabian monarchs lure a reporter you don’t like to an embassy where he will literally not emerge in one piece. 

        Remind people how “GREAT” you are.  Over and over and over again.  

    Subvert the next election.  Lie about how it could be rigged by the other side.  This serves (a) to provide information to your followers on how to actually rig the election, (b) intimidates voters who are inclined to think their vote won’t count, and (c) provides an excuse for cancelling elections or ignoring the results.   Example:  Allege that mail-in ballots are going to increase fraud while causing the postal service to go bankrupt.  

          Cultivate the armed forces.  Have flattering pictures taken with you and your Defense Chief and top generals while holding a bible in front of a church.  Try to make sure that they will stand aside if your armed bullies decide it is their patriotic duty to rig the election.  Denigrate any part of law enforcement or security that doesn’t support you. 

   Ignore election results.  Unless it is a victory for you, it was fraud.  Anyway, you are too important to be replaced.   

   Explain that whatever you do next is necessary to protect the nation from [fill in the blank] terrorists.  

  Jail the opposition. 

Of course it can’t happen here.  Right?  Right?







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